Fantasy Civics

A fantasy sports-style game about Chicago city politics.

How It Works

In fantasy sports, players try to pick the best athletes.

In Fantasy Civics, you pick the best aldermen!

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Build Your Roster

Browse the 50 aldermen on the Chicago City Council and choose five for your team.

Fantasy Football has quarterbacks and running backs. Here are the positions on Fantasy Civics:

Position Description
Captain Earns points for all Alder-ly activities.
Councilperson (x2) Earns points for activity in City Council meetings.
Graffiti Buster Earns points for fulfilling graffiti abatement 311 requests.
Rodent Warrior Earns points for fulfilling rodent baiting 311 requests.


Aldermen win points when they take actions on City Council and when their ward responds to 311 requests.

Here are the points they can earn:

Category Points
Absent for Vote -1
Vote Against a Mayor-sponsored Bill +10
Won Vote +1
Lost Vote -1
Passed Bill +7
Failed Bill -14
Complete Graffiti Abatement +1
Incomplete Graffiti Abatement -1
Complete Rodent Baiting +1
Incomplete Rodent Baiting -1

Play With Friends

Once you've chosen your roster, save the special link and share it with your friends.

Sign up for updates and come back in a month to see how your team scored. Then crown a winning team!

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